Brazil 4 Gringos

sábado, 18 de julho de 2009
Adios amigo gringo! Adios amigo gringo! Há algum tempo estamos acalentando o sonho de ter nas páginas de VidaBrasil um texto que possa nos trazer o leitor de língua inglesa. Para isso escolhemos o Dr. Dean Weston, um americano de alma brasileira radicado na Pensilvânia. Ele estreou neste espaço em 28 de janeiro e escreveu seis crônicas declarando seu amor ao Brasil. Vencido pelo câncer, Ele nos deixou esta manhã. “Dean passed away today from complications relating to cancer. He will be missed. Dale Keenhold, brother”.Descanse em paz!
terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2009
Opus 6 Opus 6 “Why are so many Non-Brazilians so passionate about Brazil? More than 70% of the annual foreign visitors to Brazil are doing so for the second, third or plus time and . . . some how . . . can’t seem to stop dreaming of their next visit or move to this famously enchanting tropical paradise. This is as much for the pure enjoyment of the natural beauty that has blessed Brazil, as for reasons of thrift and lasting friendships.
domingo, 8 de março de 2009
Opus 5 Opus 5 Is Brazil Safe For Tourist to Visit? My father, mother-in-law and brother decided to come to Brazil in 1986 while I was living in the mountains outside Rio de Janeiro in the small yet historical town of Petropolis. I was working in Rio and Macaé as a ship chandler (basically a supplier of all deck, engine and food store supplies for working maritime vessels). The moment they arrived at “Galeão,” the International Airport for Rio de Janeiro...
domingo, 22 de fevereiro de 2009
Pé Sujos!   Opus 4   Pé Sujos! Opus 4 One of the most popular meeting points in almost every town, hamlet or city in Brazil is the “Pé Sujo.” It translates into the “Dirty Foot.” The customers will walk in from the street or beach and may be wearing shoes or flip-flops . . . not forgetting the occasional bare feet . . . and thus the name “dirty foot”. The “dirty foot” is an open air bar and grill that has a front to the streets or large sidewalk areas.
quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009
MPB 60’s and 70’s.Opus3 MPB 60’s and 70’s.Opus3 The Popular Music of Brazil during the middle late 1950’s and throughout the 70’s, was in its most creative and prolific period. Brazilian’s have a legacy of poetry and composition that was born during this period . . . modern and artistically creative literary and musically challenging times. Using poetry and music as a means to cleverly disguise protests of political and social unrest during a horrible and repressive period, is not an unusual occurrence to modern history...
terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2009
saudade;opus2 saudade;opus2 There’s a very beautiful and talented young North American lady named Misha, who is currently visiting Brazil as one of the International Rotary Clubs undertakings. The Rotary sponsors very creative and imaginative exchange programs for young students in their teens.

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